iBlue - Investing in sustainable blue growth and competitiveness through 3-Pillar Business Model (3-PBM)


Project duration: 36 months

The aim of the project is to increase the transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of the MED area, contributing, in particular, for a sustainable relaunch of the yachting sector. It seeks to create a MED transnational network to improve the economic upturn by sharing business models (BM) which integrate the 3 pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental and social). It will also contribute to protect the nature, beauty and culture of MED territories and people. Developing 3-PBM methodology will create tools providing:

  • A critical mass of knowledge about Med yachting in terms of economic impact, employment and sustainability.
  • A system of indicators about the sustainability of the yachting sector, for a better resource allocation and impact evaluation;
  • A collection of best practices, innovation patterns and policies for sector performance improvement;
  • Training material for the realization of sustainable BM in yachting, respecting principles of  circular economy.

The project is developed by partners from nine Mediterranean countries - Italy (Lead Partner), Albania, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, France, Greece and Portugal.

Download here the iBlue Booklet.

iBlue Newsletters

Newsletter nº1  Newsletter nº7   Newsletter nº13 Newsletter nº19 Newsletter nº25 Newsletter nº31
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Newsletter nº6  Newsletter nº12 Newsletter nº18 Newsletter nº24 Newsletter nº30 

iBLUE Project Thematic Seminar in Lisbon, 18th September 2018
Read a summary of the Seminar here and download the presentations of the speakers hereafter:
For additional information visit iBlue website.

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