MEDLAND2020 was one of the thirteen MED Capitalisation Projects that has been selected in the First Call for Capitalisation Projects of the MED Programme.

The main objective of MEDLAND2020 was to promote international cooperation towards a common integrated land management scheme to protect natural resources, in synergy with social and economic valorisation in the Mediterranean, through the sharing, mainstreaming and transfer of accomplished products towards public policies, at local, regional and national levels, as well as at Pan-Mediterranean and European levels.


The specific aims of the project were:

1. Create synergies among projects and partners, building up a network of networks in the Mediterranean context, to reinforce the capacity of transferring and disseminating results and expertise from former strategic projects.

2. Develop synergies between operational tools, models and good practices implemented by different projects focusing on Mediterranean natural resources, to increase the transferring capacity of the outputs of the associated projects.

3. Develop a lobby for the protection and valorisation of the Mediterranean natural resources towards national, European and Pan-Mediterranean institutions, increasing the impact of territorial cooperation towards mainstreaming of regional operational policies.

4. Identify challenges and gaps for a common integral land management scheme to protect natural resources in the Mediterranean basin, in the context of Europe 2020 and the new MED programme.

5. Contribute to the elaboration and the promotion of a shared vision about the Mediterranean woodlands.

Under the general thematic on management of natural resources, MEDLAND2020 capitalisation outputs were organized under four subtopics:    

ü Integral management of natural protected areas.

ü Natural risks management, in particular wildfires.

ü Social and economic valorisation of the territory through rural development and sustainable tourism.

ü Smart natural resources management, from emerging uses such as biomass to new challenges as environmental services payment.


The project had the participation of fourteen partners linked to MED projects, from 8 countries, including one IPA country, as well as the development of collaboration processes with the Southern Mediterranean countries.

RCDI was the Portuguese partner of MEDLAND2020, capitalising on the results of the former MED project 2BPARKS, under the topics integral management of natural protected areas and social and economic valorisation of the territory

Download a detailed description of MEDLAND2020 here.
Download the MEDLAND2020 Policy Brief here.

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