Superfoods refer to foods with very high nutritional value defined by their antioxidant capacity and their overall health benefits. The Smartfarmer project aimed at developing a training programme, a long term electronic platform and a guide book to enhance the dissemination of knowledge and innovation for the promotion and marketing of superfoods (e.g. goji berries, blueberries).

Smartfarmer was based on the transfer of the results of the ProudFarmer project, completed in 2010, that provided innovative results referring to the promotion and marketing of local and regional agriculture products.

The project was co-financed by the Life Long Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci and implemented by a consortium of 7 partners from 5 EU countries, spanning from North to South of Europe: Cyprus, Spain, Latvia, Greece and Portugal.

The activities of Smartfarmer included:

1. Analysis of the Methodological Training Tool in Marketing (MTTM) and their adaptation to the requirements of the target groups in the project countries;

2. Sharing training experiences for smart farming practices and development of new (e-)learning contents;

3. Testing and evaluation of the tools developed;

4. Dissemination of information about the project results and preparation of appropriate mechanisms/processes for their further exploitation.

Download the Smartfarmer Flyer:

Project Newsletters:

For additional information visit the project website:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 
This publication reflects the views only of the author,
and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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