Creative Sustainable Management, Territorially Compatible Marketing, and Environmental Education

2Bparks was a Territorial Cooperation project of the MED programme, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund. It involved 10 partners from 10 regions (7 member states), the lead partner being Regione Veneto – Direzione Pianificazione Territoriale e Parchi from Venice, Italy. The Portuguese partner was RCDI.

2Bparks sought to integrate environmental issues into core institutional thinking and private investment choices by developing innovative governance patterns for protected-area enhancement. 2Bparks fullfield the following strategic objectives:
  • Assist protected-area managers with effective decision-making when economic issues and social situations must be reconciled with the environmental issues of protected-area policies and plans.
  • Involve businesses and the public as effective drivers of protected-area enhancement.
  • Build biodiversity businesses.
  • Improve skills and capacities.
  • Increase collective awareness of protected-area values and opportunities while disseminating the culture of sustainable development.
  • Strengthen sustainable tourism in protected areas.

Project activities were focused on:

  • Protection planning and management, in which a Roadmap will provide a user-friendly tool designed to support protected-area managers in familiarizing themselves with the existing guidelines and selecting the most appropriate ones.
  • Sustainable tourism and marketing for compatible growth, which will result in the Notebook, a practical tool for public and private operators to develop sustainable tourism in Mediterranean protected areas and to become members of the Eurocharter network.
  • Education and research for skills and awareness supported by a Sourcebook and an Education platform, which will ensure a continuously updated knowledge system and will increase the employment potential of all people interested in protected areas.

In Portugal, the Santo Andre and Sancha Lagoons Nature Reserve (RNLSAS) was the protected area selected for the implementation of the project. RNLSAS is a wetland classified in the National Network of Protected Areas and included in the international list of wetlands of the Ramsar Convention and in the Natura 2000 Network. Located in the coastal area of the Alentejo Region (16 km long) it includes two coastal lagoons and a system of several freshwater small lagoons, with a valuable natural heritage, including a high diversity of habitats and endemic and threatened species. It is also an important corridor for spring and autumn migrations of birds and insects. Nature tourism has a growth potential that must be conciliated with the high protection status of the Reserve, for the promotion of local sustainable development.

Download the main project documents and results

General Information

Protected Areas Sustainable Management

Sustainable Tourism and Marketing Joint Strategy 2BParks

Educational and Research Integrated Networks


More information at: http://www.2bparks.org


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