+RESILIENT -  Mediterranean Open REsouRcEs for Social Innovation of SociaLly ResponsIve ENTerprises
Duration: 48 months
The project brings together 14 partners and 12 associated partners from 8 countries: Italy, France, Croatia, Portugal, Greece, Spain, Slovenia and Albania.

It is an integrated project that establishes a structural approach to policy & practice improvement of emerging dynamics in socialinnovation through an overarching process based on the intertwined use of open data & the creation of a transnational socially-responsive value chain (SVRC- Social Vocation & Responsiveness Clusters).

The project focuses on Socially Responsive Clusters (SVRC), which operate in key sectors of the MED territories in a still unstructured way, adopting a 4-helix approach, involving public entities, research centres, SMEs and civil society, in order to promote the creation of a favourable environment for innovation and the establishment of collaborative networks.

+RESILIENT proposes to put together two different approaches that have been treated separately: social innovation and digital innovation. These different concepts will be intertwined and harmonized taking common actions, to face the following challenges:

  • The capitalization of innovative approaches, models & tools geared to answering to new societal needs linked to activation of SVRC;
  • The valorisation of the potential of open/ big data, including PSI (Public Sector Information) and IoT (Internet of Things) to increase SVRCs’ capability to respond to societal needs and create employment /new enterprises.

Through these actions, positive social effects will be developed, which can be disseminated through different value chains, creating synergies and impacts, based on the RIS3 of each region participating in the project.

+RESILIENT Newsletters:

+RESILIENT Brochures and Flyers:


Pilot Action in Alentejo

Learn more about the contents and functionalities of Bússola Social/Care4All.


Project Presentation

                        For additional information visit +Resilient Website.

Clusters with high social vocation and 

Visit the the OpenSocialClusters.
The +Resilient platform that functions as a central point of communication for Open Data, Open Data tools, E-courses and file sharing.

Skip Navigation LinksInício » + RESILIENT - Mediterranean Open Resources for Social Innovation of Socially Responsive Enterprises Domingo, 8 de Setembro de 2024